Plate Loading Test

Plate Loading Test

The plate load test is a test performed in the field to measure the ultimate bearing capacity of the soil and the probable settlement under a specific load. This test is familiar for the determination and design the appropriate foundation. The plate used in the test may be a square or circular and it is placed at the desired depth. After that, the load applied gradually and the settlement for each increment will be recorded.

The following plate load test apparatus is necessary for performing the test.

  1. Steel plate (circular/Square)
  2. Hydraulic jack & pump
  3. Load system (reaction beam/truck)
  4. Dial gauges
  5. Pressure gauge

Test Procedure:

  1. Excavate test pit up to the desired depth. The pit size should be at least 5 times the size of the test plate.
  2. The size of the hole is the same as the size of the steel plate. The bottom level of the hole should correspond to the level of the actual foundation.
  3. A mild steel plate is used as a load-bearing plate whose thickness should be at least 25 mm thickness. The plate can be square or circular. Generally, a square plate is used for square footing and a circular plate is used for circular footing.
  4. A hydraulic jack is placed at the center of the plate.
  5. The load applied by the hydraulic jack is opposite to a loading system such as gravity loading method or truck.
  6. At least two dial gauges should be placed at diagonal corners of the plate to record the settlement. The gauges are placed on a reference beam so that it does not settle with the plate.
  7. Load is applied in increments to at least three times the bearing capacity of the soil.
  8. Settlement records should be monitored and recorded in sheet with time and the corresponding load.