Deformation Monitoring

Deformation Monitoring

The last ten years have seen a rise in interest among civil engineering and building professionals in tracking and monitoring the movement of various structure types both during and after construction. A structure may need to be monitored for movement for a variety of reasons. The following are examples of structures that can change and deform during and after construction:

  • Dams
  • Tunnels
  • Bridges
  • Ordinary and High Rise Buildings

Deformation surveys can be used to quantify how much a structure moves both vertically and horizontally over time. The monitoring of extremely accurate periodic measurements separates a deformation survey from other types of surveys, even if the concepts of many of the techniques used to do this are similar to those used for site surveying and setting out.

One of our major benchmark problems considering this service is the monitoring the deformation of Tunnels which involved in monitoring the horizontal and vertical deformation of both of tunnel sides and triangular beams during wire saw cutting of the ventilation shaft-tunnel section located in Tunnels Under Suez Canal – Ismailia – Phase 1, Ismailia – Egypt.